Cainark Dog Training
Here is a handy infographic showing the Cainark Training Pathway. You can read about each step in more detail further down the page.

Cainark Training Pathway

"Cainark dog training are the BEST in the business. Wilson started off going to daycare which he loves, (so much so he doesn’t want to leave!!) it’s lovely knowing he is getting lots of stimulation whilst I am working. We’ve just finished the adolescence course with Steve, he is a fantastic trainer very knowledgeable and attentive. I feel I have learnt a lot and grown in confidence with training Wilson. Thanks Cainark you are amazing"
– Lydia Alice & Wilson
Puppy 1:1 Home Visits
Did you know puppy training can start from as soon as you collect your new puppy? Cainark offer a puppy home set up course where our trainer and behaviourist will visit you and your new pup at home to ensure your puppy gets the best start from day one. Providing an hour session once a fortnight at your home, we help with crate training, toilet training, introducing the collar and lead, explaining puppy behaviour and body language, feeding and introducing basic commands.
Puppy 5 Week Course
Level 1 & 2
These are a small group training course held at the Country Pooch Daycare and Cainark Training Centre. Both courses are 5 weeks with an hour session taking place each week. Level 1 is ideal for pups aged from 2nd vaccination to 6 months old. We focus on socialisation, body language, lead walking, recall, eye contact, sit and wait/stay and more. Level 2 is ideal for completed their basic training and are now looking to progress further. Introducing commands such as place, down, middle, emergency stop and more, as well as improving lead walking and recall skills with increased distractions and distances.
Reactivity Workshop
What is reactivity in dogs and why does this occur? Join our 1.5 hour workshops as a drop in session to discuss and understand reactivity. Attending with your reactive dog, this workshop is focused on training techniques and gives demonstrations to help owners gain in confidence to deal with reactive behaviour. Taking place on the first Saturday of each month outside at the Country Pooch & Cainark Training Centre.
Lead Walking Workshop
Do you dread taking your dog for a walk, or do you get walked by your dog? Our Lead Walking workshops are for you! This 1.5 hour workshop discusses lead walking position, lead walking set up, demonstrations and techniques provided by the trainer who will also offer methods on how your dog can focus and ignore distractions. Taking place on the 2nd Saturday of each month, outside at the Country Pooch Daycare and Cainark Training Centre.
Recall Workshop
Do you have the confidence to allow your dog off lead without worrying about their recall? Does your dog run up to every dog to say hello or suddenly ignore you when you try to recall them? Then our Recall workshop is for you! This 1.5 hour workshop will equip you with the tools you need to increase engagement and focus from your dog as well as proofing the perfect recall. Taking place on the 3rd Saturday of each month, outside at the Country Pooch Daycare and Cainark Training Centre.
Puppy Meet & Play
Got a new puppy and looking to socialise as well as learn? Our Puppy Meet & Play sessions are ideal for pups aged up to 6 months old. Taking place in the secure garden and barn at the Country Pooch & Cainark Training Centre, your pup will socialise and play at our facility whilst one of our trainers is on hand to provide advice and discuss canine body language. This session is 45 minutes long and is available to book as a drop in session.
Breed Meets
Come along to the Cainark Breed Meet. 45 minutes of fun, socialising and a chance to speak to other owners. Starting in small groups in separate paddocks so dogs can get used to their surroundings and new friends, we then enjoy some off-lead and large group playtime. Dogs can have fun on our agility equipment, run free in the paddocks and get their noses working with some cone scent games all whilst you can meet other dog owners! Taking place outside at Country Pooch, this is a 45 minutes long session.